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Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)

Discover how DPNs, also known as Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra or "Morgan Freeman Spots," manifest as small, brown or black bumps resembling moles. Research suggests that hereditary factors, ageing, and sun exposure contribute to their development. Typically observed on darker skin tones, particularly skin types 5 & 6, DPNs may increase in size and quantity over time. Explore more about managing and understanding these lesions for skin health.
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Discover the classification and symptoms of DPNs:

DPNs typically range from 1–5mm in size, presenting as firm, smooth, raised dark brown to black bumps. Commonly found on the cheeks, around the eyes, and forehead, these bumps may also manifest on the neck and trunk.

Classification is as follows:

Treatment for DPNs:

Although non-cancerous, DPNs tend to increase in number and size with age, prompting patients to seek removal due to difficulty in concealment, especially for men who typically don't use makeup.

At Skin Renewal, DPN removal is effectively accomplished using a small spot size (3mm) of the long-pulsed Cutera Nd: YAG Laser. This procedure is generally well-tolerated, with healing typically occurring within one to two weeks.

Potential side effects include temporary skin discolouration, which can be mitigated with proper pre-treatment using skin pigmentation inhibitors or preparatory creams.

frequently asked

I have a skin type 5 and have uneven skin tone, and have small warts around my eye area what can I do to remove these warts and get a better skin tone. Please help!!

Normally in dark skin types (namely 5’s and 6’s), we often encounter the formation of DPN on the face, often found around the eyes. These appear as small raised lesions that can be described as small warts or small “moles”, and they are much darker than the rest of the skin, giving the skin an uneven look. They are also quite commonly referred to as “Morgan Freeman” spots. Unfortunately there is no cream or product that will take these away. We have to remove these by means of a laser therapy. If you have other areas where the skin is “discoloured” or hyper-pigmented there are many products that can be used to help you treat that particular problem. However, it is important to use the appropriate product for your type of pigmentation, and we need to have a good look at your skin to ensure that we prescribe the most appropriate product for you. This will be determined by the darkness of the pigmentation as well as the depth of the pigmentation. Some pigmented areas may even require special treatments if the pigment is sitting very deep in the skin. If the pigment is sitting in the superficial layers of the skin, it is normally easier to treat. The problem is that we need to have you in front of us so that the proper analysis with Woods Lamps etc can be done. 

Frequently asked questions

I have a skin type 5 and have uneven skin tone, and have small warts around my eye area what can I do to remove these warts and get a better skin tone. Please help!!

Normally in dark skin types (namely 5’s and 6’s), we often encounter the formation of DPN on the face, often found around the eyes. These appear as small raised lesions that can be described as small warts or small “moles”, and they are much darker than the rest of the skin, giving the skin an uneven look. They are also quite commonly referred to as “Morgan Freeman” spots. Unfortunately there is no cream or product that will take these away. We have to remove these by means of a laser therapy. If you have other areas where the skin is “discoloured” or hyper-pigmented there are many products that can be used to help you treat that particular problem. However, it is important to use the appropriate product for your type of pigmentation, and we need to have a good look at your skin to ensure that we prescribe the most appropriate product for you. This will be determined by the darkness of the pigmentation as well as the depth of the pigmentation. Some pigmented areas may even require special treatments if the pigment is sitting very deep in the skin. If the pigment is sitting in the superficial layers of the skin, it is normally easier to treat. The problem is that we need to have you in front of us so that the proper analysis with Woods Lamps etc can be done. 


Absolutely love the experience at Skin Renewal. The staff is so welcoming and the doctors and therapists speak in depth and with clarity in explaining all concerns and insecurities you may be experiencing with patience and understanding. Truly a curated experience. Every little thing is tailored to your needs. I’ve been for about 2 sessions now and I’ve received top tier treatment in each session. Explaining each procedure as we go along. I’m soo excited to see where my skin renewal journey leads me.


Stunning facility with friendly staff and exceptional service. My therapist Noma continuously makes my experience worth while!


The overall experience is both painful and very good. In terms of the pain factor of the laser treatment. However I am happy with the results so far, skin is healing nicely. The therapist is wonderful, very friendly, keeps me distracted from the pain.
