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Hair Loss and Hair Growth IV Infusion

Welcome to a revolutionary approach to combatting hair loss with our specialised Hair Loss IV Cocktail. Meticulously crafted, this infusion blends essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants designed to enhance nutrient absorption, stimulate hair growth, and prevent further hair loss. Our unique cocktail includes the powerful antioxidants Glutathione and Vitamin C and a synergistic combination of Vitamin B, Zinc, and Selenium. Each component has been carefully selected to nourish your hair from the inside out, offering a comprehensive solution to hair loss concerns.
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Hair Loss and Hair Growth IV Infusion at a glance

  • Best Results
    Best Results

    6-12 Treatments (for initial result)

  • Anaesthetic


  • Duration
    Duration of Results

    Monthly maintenance required

  • Procedure Time
    Procedure Time

    30-60 min

  • Treatment Recovery
    Treatment Recovery

    2-3 Days

  • Skin Specialist
    Skin Specialist

    Doctor / Nurse

  • Risk Compliance
    Risks & Complications


  • Back to Work
    Back To Work

    Same Day

The American Hair Loss Association highlights a significant concern: by age 35, most men will encounter hair loss, escalating to 85% by age 50, facing substantial hair thinning or baldness. However, hair loss doesn't exclusively affect men; research indicates that up to 40% of women will also experience hair thinning by age 40. While genetics or underlying health issues may render some hair loss irreversible, dietary adjustments hold promise for others. Incorporating specific nutrients and vitamins into one's diet has been shown to enhance hair's appearance and texture, prevent further hair loss, and, in some cases, stimulate new hair growth. Understanding the role of diet in hair health is crucial for those looking to maintain or improve their hair condition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Hair Health

Neglecting omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can lead to a dry, itchy scalp, resulting in hair that looks lifeless and thin and potentially exacerbating hair loss. Rich sources like salmon, other fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds (including flaxseed oil) are essential for maintaining heart health and promoting robust, healthy hair. Beyond skin deep, omega-3s also support brain function and memory, highlighting their comprehensive health benefits.

B-Vitamins: Vital for Preventing Hair Loss

B-vitamin deficiencies, particularly B6 and B12, have been linked to hair loss in women, exacerbated by factors like birth control usage and excessive alcohol consumption. Since the body cannot synthesize Vitamin B6 alone, it's crucial to intake it through diet or supplements, including IV treatments, for immediate absorption. Eggs, dairy products, and walnuts are excellent sources of B vitamins, protein, and other hair-strengthening nutrients like biotin (Vitamin B7), which is essential for combating hair loss.

Vitamin C: Essential for Hair Nutrition Absorption

Vitamin C is pivotal in nutrient absorption and is critical for preventing hair loss. A diet rich in vitamin C from citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, kiwi, strawberries, and leafy greens like spinach—which also provide iron, protein, and other vital nutrients—can significantly enhance hair health. Iron deficiency is a leading cause of hair loss, making vitamin C-rich foods indispensable for their role in iron absorption and antioxidant protection against free radical damage.

Zinc-Rich Foods for Hair and Scalp Health

Zinc is crucial for skin health, immune function, and hair growth. Foods high in zinc, such as kidney, liver, red meat, oysters, shellfish, scallops, pumpkin seeds, and lentils, support hair strength and scalp health. Lentils, rich in protein, iron, biotin, and folic acid, are particularly beneficial for hair vitality.

Vitamin A for Moisture and Growth

Carrots and sweet potatoes are excellent for maintaining healthy, moisturized hair and scalp due to their high beta-carotene content, which the body converts into vitamin A. A deficiency in vitamin A can lead to dry scalp conditions.

Selenium: A Key Mineral for Hair

Working alongside vitamin E, Selenium supports hair health by preventing oxidative damage and producing the body's master antioxidant, glutathione. Selenium-rich foods like Brazil nuts, tuna, grass-fed beef, and spinach are vital for detoxification processes and thyroid health, directly impacting hair growth and retention.

The Importance of Fermented Foods for Gut and Hair Health

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through fermented foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics is essential for overall health, including skin and hair. However, it's important to note that those with histamine intolerance may need to approach fermented foods cautiously.

Incorporating these nutrients into your diet can help address hair loss from multiple angles, emphasizing the role of a balanced diet in promoting hair health and growth.

frequently asked

Is the Hair Loss and Hair Growth IV Infusion available at all Skin Renewal Clinics?
Can Leaky gut also cause hair loss?

60% of the population has leaky gut and are totally unaware that they have this common syndrome. Digested nutrients normally pass through the gut lining into the bloodstream. The blood then carries the nutrients through the body to the various organs and glands of the body, and in the process, the roots of your hair are also supplied with nutrients.

Normally, the cells of the gut walls are tightly packed, but when the intestinal lining becomes irritated, holes develop in the gut wall (“leaky gut”), which allows unwanted larger food particles to enter the bloodstream. The immune system sees These unwanted substances as ‘foreign’, triggering an antibody reaction.

When the intestinal lining becomes further damaged, larger substances such as bacteria, undigested food particles and toxins pass directly into the bloodstream. This, in turn, alarms the immune system even further, so more antibodies are released. This fight produces oxidants which cause inflammation throughout the body. You now have a situation where you may likely develop an auto-immune disease.

The most common causes for a leaky gut are low stomach acid, Roaccutane, antibiotics, NSAIDs, excess alcohol, constant stress, toxic metals, invasive organisms and eating foods you are intolerant to. The main foods that irritate the gut are grains/ gluten, dairy products, sugar, soya, and alcohol. To effectively treat "leaky gut ", the 4 Rs of gut restoration must be adhered to.

Can fungal, bacterial or parasite infections cause hair loss?

Overgrowth of Candida, or C-Albicans, fungus, metal toxicity and bacterial forms can either all by themselves or all together (usually this is the case) set one up for the inability of the immune system to function normally, creating the mal-absorption of the body's ability to function. A total depletion of minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and hormones results in hair loss.

Which medications and drugs can cause hair loss?

Certain chemicals and medicines (prescription drugs) have been known to cause toxicity to the hair roots and their growth. Long-term use of chemotherapy, cancer medication, steroids, antibiotics, antiepileptic, and antihypertensive medications, to name a few, have been observed to produce hair loss in some patients. Don't forget to include the use of the birth control pill, which creates "Estrogen Dominance" and throws off the delicate balance of testosterone and progesterone again, contributing to the loss of hair.

Culprits include, e.g. Roaccutane, oral contraceptives (causes unopposed Estrogen), anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, B- Blockers, Lithium, anti-thyroid drugs, anticonvulsants, excess Vit A and Steroid use.

Severe emotional distress and acute stressors can cause Hair loss:

Emotional or stressful situations such as a relationship first break up, writing matric, divorce, etc., can cause hair loss. Certain "acute" diseases result in a Compromised Immune System and may result in hair loss.

Endocrine deficiencies;

PCOS, Hypo or Hyperthyroidism, menopause and 3-4 months post-partum due to loss of progesterone can result in Hair loss. 

3-4 months after febrile or acute illness or acute stressors, surgery, or chronic systemic illness, the body can also experience hair loss symptoms. Hormones including androgen, estrogen and, in most cases, the lack of progesterone cause variations during different phases in life and may contribute to excessive hair loss. Decreased progesterone due to oral contraceptives (causes unopposed Oestrogen).

Other reasons for Alopecia or hair loss?

Traction alopecia

  • Traction alopecia can be caused by tight braids, rollers or ponytails.
  • Rapid weight loss, smoking, drug abuse, diabetes, Anorexia Nervosa.
  • Dietary problems Eating disorders, veganism, vegetarianism.
  • Psych history, e.g. Trichotillomania, Twisting, Pulling, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Anorexia Nervosa.
  • Skin disorders, e.g. seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, and discoid lupus, are all linked to leaky gut and AI disease.

Food rich in Selenium

Selenium is a trace mineral that works in conjunction with vitamin E to help prevent oxidative damage in the body. Selenium also helps iodine regulate metabolism, and selenium helps recycle vitamin C in the body, improving overall cellular protection. Selenium works as a powerful antioxidant and is required for your body to create glutathione, your body's master antioxidant. For this reason, consuming foods high in selenium can support detoxification and take stress off the organs like the liver and thyroid.

  • Selenium deficiency symptoms include:
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Weakened immune system
  • Infertility in men and women
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Hair loss

A selenium deficiency is generally seen in areas where the soil does not contain much selenium, such as certain regions of China. A deficiency may lead to pain and muscle weakness. Selenium sources are Brazil nuts, Tuna, Grass-fed beef, Sardines, Turkey, Beef liver, chicken eggs, and Spinach.

Frequently asked questions

Is the Hair Loss and Hair Growth IV Infusion available at all Skin Renewal Clinics?
Can Leaky gut also cause hair loss?

60% of the population has leaky gut and are totally unaware that they have this common syndrome. Digested nutrients normally pass through the gut lining into the bloodstream. The blood then carries the nutrients through the body to the various organs and glands of the body, and in the process, the roots of your hair are also supplied with nutrients.

Normally, the cells of the gut walls are tightly packed, but when the intestinal lining becomes irritated, holes develop in the gut wall (“leaky gut”), which allows unwanted larger food particles to enter the bloodstream. The immune system sees These unwanted substances as ‘foreign’, triggering an antibody reaction.

When the intestinal lining becomes further damaged, larger substances such as bacteria, undigested food particles and toxins pass directly into the bloodstream. This, in turn, alarms the immune system even further, so more antibodies are released. This fight produces oxidants which cause inflammation throughout the body. You now have a situation where you may likely develop an auto-immune disease.

The most common causes for a leaky gut are low stomach acid, Roaccutane, antibiotics, NSAIDs, excess alcohol, constant stress, toxic metals, invasive organisms and eating foods you are intolerant to. The main foods that irritate the gut are grains/ gluten, dairy products, sugar, soya, and alcohol. To effectively treat "leaky gut ", the 4 Rs of gut restoration must be adhered to.

Can fungal, bacterial or parasite infections cause hair loss?

Overgrowth of Candida, or C-Albicans, fungus, metal toxicity and bacterial forms can either all by themselves or all together (usually this is the case) set one up for the inability of the immune system to function normally, creating the mal-absorption of the body's ability to function. A total depletion of minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and hormones results in hair loss.

Which medications and drugs can cause hair loss?

Certain chemicals and medicines (prescription drugs) have been known to cause toxicity to the hair roots and their growth. Long-term use of chemotherapy, cancer medication, steroids, antibiotics, antiepileptic, and antihypertensive medications, to name a few, have been observed to produce hair loss in some patients. Don't forget to include the use of the birth control pill, which creates "Estrogen Dominance" and throws off the delicate balance of testosterone and progesterone again, contributing to the loss of hair.

Culprits include, e.g. Roaccutane, oral contraceptives (causes unopposed Estrogen), anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, B- Blockers, Lithium, anti-thyroid drugs, anticonvulsants, excess Vit A and Steroid use.

Severe emotional distress and acute stressors can cause Hair loss:

Emotional or stressful situations such as a relationship first break up, writing matric, divorce, etc., can cause hair loss. Certain "acute" diseases result in a Compromised Immune System and may result in hair loss.

Endocrine deficiencies;

PCOS, Hypo or Hyperthyroidism, menopause and 3-4 months post-partum due to loss of progesterone can result in Hair loss. 

3-4 months after febrile or acute illness or acute stressors, surgery, or chronic systemic illness, the body can also experience hair loss symptoms. Hormones including androgen, estrogen and, in most cases, the lack of progesterone cause variations during different phases in life and may contribute to excessive hair loss. Decreased progesterone due to oral contraceptives (causes unopposed Oestrogen).

Other reasons for Alopecia or hair loss?

Traction alopecia

  • Traction alopecia can be caused by tight braids, rollers or ponytails.
  • Rapid weight loss, smoking, drug abuse, diabetes, Anorexia Nervosa.
  • Dietary problems Eating disorders, veganism, vegetarianism.
  • Psych history, e.g. Trichotillomania, Twisting, Pulling, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Anorexia Nervosa.
  • Skin disorders, e.g. seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, and discoid lupus, are all linked to leaky gut and AI disease.

Food rich in Selenium

Selenium is a trace mineral that works in conjunction with vitamin E to help prevent oxidative damage in the body. Selenium also helps iodine regulate metabolism, and selenium helps recycle vitamin C in the body, improving overall cellular protection. Selenium works as a powerful antioxidant and is required for your body to create glutathione, your body's master antioxidant. For this reason, consuming foods high in selenium can support detoxification and take stress off the organs like the liver and thyroid.

  • Selenium deficiency symptoms include:
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Weakened immune system
  • Infertility in men and women
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Hair loss

A selenium deficiency is generally seen in areas where the soil does not contain much selenium, such as certain regions of China. A deficiency may lead to pain and muscle weakness. Selenium sources are Brazil nuts, Tuna, Grass-fed beef, Sardines, Turkey, Beef liver, chicken eggs, and Spinach.


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