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Reviews - Page 39

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1126 Reviews

I've had an awesome experience, my skin is looking and feeling 100% better. I walked in feeling a bit unsure of what to expect, but when I leaft with confidence levels boosted, I know that my skin is going to look amazing. Thank you to Marzet at Skin Renewal Constantia.


To treat sagging and lax skin, I had about 30 PDO threads inserted in my face - of different lengths and types. This was done after an initial consultation where Dr Maureen assessed my skin and discussed my concerns. I can honestly say I was really scared that it was going to be painful going forward. However, I was pleasantly surprised the next morning when I had no pain at all, apart from when I touched my face for the next 4 days. My face was slightly swollen but bruising was minimal and was easily covered with a bit of foundation. Areas where the threads had been inserted has already improved substantially, just 2 weeks after initial treatment. Two weeks later the swelling had subsided, there are still a few lines on my face but the difference from when I had done the threads to two weeks later was astounding! I have had numerous comments saying I look 10 years younger but most people think it is my new haircut as I cut my hair short and I haven't had short hair in the last 15 years. When you look in the mirror and see a younger version of yourself, it is amazing as you actually feel younger and do drastic things like cutting your hair short!


The results of my mid-face Silhouette Soft Threads procedure was jaw dropping or should I say “raising”. There was some pain with the local anaesthetic but absolutely no pain thereafter. The Skin Renewal doctor made two tiny entrance and exit points of the 'threads' on each side of my mid-face and voila after 45 minutes I could see the immediate natural lift effect which just keeps on improving day by day. I am extremely pleased thank you!


Thank you ladies, the results of my Silhouette Soft Threads procedure are everything and more than I expected! Sleeping is a tad uncomfortable for about 5 days after but the immediate effects are just so absolutely worth it! There was no down time. I am a Fan for Life thrilled with my face’s refreshed, lifted and fuller volume appearance.


To all at Skin Renewal, Dr Marilyn and Dr Debbie,I am so pleased that you have brought in the threads into your treatment menu, they are the answer to all my prayers as they have delivered immediate conclusive results to a mini- facelift without all traumas associated with surgery. It is definitely a worthwhile procedure and has made me feel much more confident about the way I look. The folds from my nose that surrounded my month area have magically disappeared, and it is ideal as it looks so natural – really turning back the clock, looking like a younger version of me, so no one suspects. People think I have just had a damn good holiday……..just what I wanted them to think.


I had 2 Silhouette soft threads inserted on the 10th of March. I must say I was a bit apprehensive, but apart from the local anaesthetic I did not feel much. The lidocaine with adrenaline stung a little bit, but that was it. The procedure of inserting the threads I did not feel at all. When they started applying traction on the threads and moving my skin across it, it felt weird but not painful at all. I had only one small bruise to the right of my mouth corner. I could see immediate results. My jawline was much smoother and even my cheekbones looked more defined. The next day people commented on this. I had some puckering of skin along the path of the threads inserted from my cheekbones, that disappeared within a week. There was tenderness on the boney areas (cheekbones and jaw angle) for a week. It was not painful, only tender when touching it while washing my face. I did feel the need to wash my face carefully for about a week but after that no problem. The insertion and exit points were not that visible and not tender afterwards at all.I would recommend this to anyone that wants to improve their sagging jowls or any other sagging part of their face. It is minimally invasive and basically painless. Knowing that the results will even improve more over the next 8 months while the threads are dissolving, really makes this worthwhile. The results are amazing!


All the staff are very professional, but friendly and pleasantly relaxed. Candice is exceptionally professional and knowledgeable.


Totally relaxing and focused on areas discussed after a massage, with Africology products at Skin Renewal


Esther het my voete gedoen en meer. Sy is so profesioneel en tog so menslik en sag. Ek sal nooit weer n ander instansie gebruik nie en sal verseker vir haar aanbeveel. Sy was stunning en so ook my treatment.


I recently consulted with a Skin Renewal doctor regarding my ageing skin. After examining me and analyzing my requirements, she explained her recommendations in layman terms, with sensitivity to any concerns I had. The treatment itself was a breeze. She inspires confidence, creating a relaxed environment, which makes the experience enjoyable. The doc is a very special doctor and I am delighted with the results and my treatment.
