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Minki TV Show
Minki TV Show

Oliver Swart and Jules Buchanan

Minki invites interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life to her couch for interviews.

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Oliver Swart and Jules Buchanan

Juls and Oliver were the youngest couple in the Minki Power Couple episodes. Both patients were just 28 years old and eager to get in shape and get glowing skin for their wedding.

Treatment Plans for Oliver and Jules

Julie’s main concern were her rosacea and an impaired barrier. Dr Lestonn worked closely with Julie’s therapist Mariesa Mouton on an extensive skin care regime. Extensive ND yag laser was done on Julie’s face as well as skin resurfacing treatments including the HydraTouch facial and peels.

Oliver’s main concern was unwanted weight around his midline. A well-recognised chef he snacks on the go. Dr Lestonn put Oliver on a great supplement routine reiterating the importance of gut health, he also scripted Ciccarelli treatments for Oliver. Anel Du Plessis was Oliver’s therapist and responsible for his body and skin journey which yielded impressive results. Over and above Oliver’s body treatments Anel did skin resurfacing treatments including the HydraTouch facial to give Oliver skin that is rejuvenated and glows.

Treatment Plans for Oliver and Jules

Oliver's bespoke Skin Renewal treatment plan was:

Jules' bespoke Skin Renewal treatment plan was:
