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Petula Bastian

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Petula Bastian

Petulas main concerns were the wrinkles on her frown, forehead and crows feet. She also expressed a dislike of her profile and jowls and had bad pigmentation as a result of chronic sun damage. Petula's doctor, Dr Graham Duncombe, scripted treatments performed by Zaan Pinenaar including: Carboxytherapy tightening on her face as well as Nd:Yag on her face and neck.

Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet
Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet

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Petula also enjoyed Radiant and Azeliac peels as well as a Hydratouch facial. Doctor Graham administered the MD Codes method of injectables to provide a cheek lift and jawline sculpting as well as reducing her pronounced nasolabials.

Petula's main concerns

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Treatment Plan for Petula

Petula's treatment plan consisted of the following;
