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Sandra Maartens

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Sandra Maartens

After losing her mother in a fatal car accident at the young age of five, Sandra and her five siblings were placed with various family members. Due to various circumstances Sandra and her one sister ended up in foster care with a family in Kimberly. She had a very sad and difficult childhood and promised herself that her own children will never suffer. Sandra lives each day in abundance with, and for, them so see her daughter graduate as a qualified Doctor and son an international pilot! Sandra enjoys sports and still believes that a healthy body can house a healthy mind and spirit. She currently works as an au pair for two children, having worked in the marketing industry previously. Through her Mooimaak transformation Sandra believes she can mean more to others if her own self-confidence is boosted.

Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet
Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet
Sandra's Treatments

Sandra’s Mooimaak journey was led by Dr Rulene Maré, with additional treatments performed by therapist Lizanne Burton over a period of ten weeks. The focus of her treatment plan was to improve sagging and lifeless skin through 4D Skin Rejuvenation. This combined various laser therapies, skin tightening, lifting and rejuvenating treatments with injectable therapies and a final thread-lift for long-lasting non-surgical results.

Restylane tear trough filler

Jett Plasma Eye Rejuvenation

Titan® Laser


Limelight Laser


Botulinum Toxin

Dermal Fillers

Xela Redermalisation

Silhouette Soft® lift

Titania Radiofrequency

Transdermal Mesotherapy

Photo Dynamic Therapy  

"Once the skin around my eyes healed, there was an immediate lift, and after two months the results are even more visible!"
Jett Plasma Eye Rejuvenation

Jett Plasma promotes skin tightening and collagen production in the sensitive eye area. This medical device is the first patented direct current electrocauter in the world, and the treatment is based on an electrical discharge. Sandra had two Jett Plasma treatments and now has tighter, stronger and firmer skin to open her eyes and prevent sagging hooded eyelids!

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"As the treatment progressed the heat became more intense, but it was never sore. My skin feels firmer and I could see an immediate visible result and lift!"
Titan® Laser

Titan utilizes a pulsed broadband infrared source. The tightening effects of Titan® are immediate but the best results come down the line, when the effects of collagen production become evident. One can see an immediate tightening effect after one Titan® treatment but best results are seen after three treatments spaced 1 month apart.

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"This truly felt like a non-surgical This truly felt like a non-surgical facelift, and there was no pain involved! The lifting and tightening effect makes my skin feel firmer and has greatly improved my appearance!"
Silhouette® Soft Jowl Lift

Silhouette® Soft is an FDA cleared minimally invasive technique used to lift and tighten sagging skin tissue. It is a resorbable suture with bidirectional cones that is used to redefine facial features, by elevation. The suture dissolves over time, whilst stimulating collagen production for a long-lasting results in the treated area.

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"This treatment is highly recommended for any person who wants to look more refreshed and less tired. It replaced lost volume and diminished wrinkles!"
3D Liquid Facelift

The 3D Liquid Facelift is a combination of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and botulinum toxin to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, volume restoration and facial balance. Botulinum Toxin temporarily inhibits muscle movement in the treated area removing fine lines and wrinkles, whilst dermal fillers replace lost volume, create balance and restore youthful appearance.

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